Srpski jezik
Projects on developement:
We are currently working on this projects:

Compact USB device for temperature and relative humidity measurement

Device for measuring and regulation of temperature and relative air humidity with USB and RS232 connection to PC for data acquisition
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NEWS on ePraktikum site

12.02.2006. - New Project on English

ATIV - Portable temperature and air humidity loger with LCD display
This device is intended for autonomous measuring and storing temperature and relative air humidity data, without PC. It has enough memory for 3 continuous years of measuring... (Go to ATIV Project page)
29.05.2005. - New Project on English

IRPS01 IR Remote controlled Light Dimmer
This device is constructed for IR REMOTE Controll of Light Bulbs, with two independent channels (bulbs), and for remote controller can be usead any Philips RC5 device from TV, VCR or audio... (Go to IRPS01 Project page)
04.05.2005. - ePraktikum is completely redesigned.
In near future we will work hard on translating all of our projects to English language. Meantime, you can visit our projects pages in Serbian on this link...

New project in English:
Simple and universal Atmel 89Cx051 programmer for DOS and Windows (Details...)




All software, hardware and informations on this site are intended for educational purposes only. If you use the software, hardware or informations from these pages, you do it at your own risk. All projects are copyrighted and every copying of informations from this site is strictly prohibited, without permission of ePraktium group...







On ePraktikum site you can find many useful and interesting electronic projects. Most of them are based on PIC, AVR, and Atmel 89C2051 microcontrollers. All projects on this web site are practically assembled and tested, and are all applyable in practical usage. Projects on this site are under copyright by ePraktikum group...

For all kindly sugestions and questions, you can always email us:

ing. Nebojsa Pejcic
site is initialy started on december y2k
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